Tuesday 15 December 2015

Weekly News #11

SOURCE- AL JAZEERA NEWS: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/12/dozens-syrian-civilians-killed-air-strikes-151213044411982.html

After basing most of my past weekly news posts on 'news' gathered from BBC & SKY news (who are run/controlled by the UK Government and clearly bias towards them), I decided to gather my information from a different source this week in the hope to gain a different perspective on the fatal bombings being carried out in Syria. I gathered my information from the Arabic news reporters 'Al Jazeera' and this particular news report immediately stood out to me as it featured a child who looked badly injured. After looking at BBC news the report on the conflict in Syria, the report stated that Russia has strictly been targeting the position of IS groups in Syria, it also commented on how America are concerned Russia are also bombing non-targeted areas in order to 'shore up'  its ally; Syrian President Assad. According to Al Jazeera news at least 41 civilians (including 9 children) were killed during the attacks on Douma where they claim even a school was hit. This news is a clear reminder that even though the news we consume is supposed to be reliable, it is only a countries version of the truth and governments may use it in order to make the population feel a particular way about a certain situation or group of people,ultimately in order to either gain power and/or make money. Unfortunately it has become apparent  that many countries will stop at nothing in order to completely 'destroy' ISIS, even if it means thousands or possibly even millions of innocent civilians could be killed, the world watched America obliterate the lives of many innocent people living in japan when hundreds of thousands of people were killed by atomic bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It would be of no surprise if some particular countries in todays current world would be committed to carrying out the same horrific devastation if it meant ISIS would be 'destroy'ed, the medias job if something as severe as that did go through would be to justify fellow allies actions in the hope people would soon forgot about the horrors innocent people had suffered, exactly like how America claimed there was no other option but to kill hundreds of thousands of people in Japan in order to end the war.                                          

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