Tuesday 1 December 2015

Gone Girl- Film Analysis

'Gone Girl' is a 2014 drama/phycological thriller directed by David Fincher, themes of mystery,murder and family are evident throughout the film. I thought 'Gone Girl' cleverly played on how many peoples' opinions on people and events change as individuals are so absorbed by the current media, and unfortunately in reality a lot of people (like done in the film) believe whatever the purposely constructed media reports on. We see peoples opinions on Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) change multiple times in the film as he is portrayed to be someone he is not, we find this out as the film cleverly follows two narratives. We are clearly shown as the media being able to report on the shocking story of how an abusive husband killed his loving wife, (and ultimately rinse the situation of money as they even broadcast a show from their house) that many people around America suddenly become more engaged in the media due to this story being relatable to their own lives causing more action being taken than usual, this dramatic protest against Nick Dunne is displayed as we see the number of news reporters camped outside his home.

While watching the film we see the multi-protaganist narrative switch between Nick Dunne and his wife Amy Dunne, this at first makes us sympathise with Amy as her diary connotes the mental and physical abuse she has suffered in this one sided relationship, this use of the diary entry immediately makes us believe what the vulnerable Amy is saying as Nick doesn't exactly come across as the 'good guy' due to him only being shown from the outset as a predator. In the opening scene of the film we get an insight into what he is thinking as he describes cracking his wifes skull and watching her brains pour out, this graphic detail immediately infers that he is extremely violent, when truly this is not the case as this scene is chronologically reversed. We see this same scene occur at the end of the film after Amy Dunne's clear insanity is displayed through her extreme plans to imprison her not so bad husband, this then completely changes are opinions on the two protagonists as we now begin to emphasise with Nick.

In conclusion I thought this film cleverly delivered the message of how influential the media is in todays society, we are able to see the power the media possess as peoples opinions can completely change from wanting to kill someone to chanting his name due to him being portrayed differently in the media. The multi-protagonist narrative was key in doing this as throughout the film we begin to learn Amy's story isn't actually the truth as she strives to meet her goal of framing her husband and Nick who isn't deemed maybe as the protagonist at first strives to meet his goal of finding his wife. I think there was an ironic element to the film as the audiences opinions were completely juxtaposed to the views taken by the audience in the film as we get a real insight into Amy's clear brutal psychopathic personality, where as the audience in the film due to the media only see her as 'Amazing Amy' , this again emphasises the power the media have on controlling many peoples opinions around the globe. 

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