Tuesday 8 December 2015

Weekly News #10

BBC WORLD NEWS: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35035190

According to BBC news 'Donald Trump urges to ban Muslims from entering the US', I thought this was a disgusting 'campaign statement' made by Donald Trump after the deadly California shootings that took place last week. Trump made this obscene statement after a supposedly radicalised couple opened fire killing 14 people last week, I think it is ridiculous how as soon as a mass shooting is supposedly carried out by a 'radicalised' couple that the situation becomes much worse that the more common psychopathic murderer even though many mass shootings occur in the US all the time. As many people follow and believe in what Donald Trump campaigns against in America (maybe due to his insane amount of wealth) racism is sure to intensify for Muslims living in America. Donald Trumps clear insane intentions could be compared to the likes of Adolf Hitler as his extreme racist thoughts have been displayed through this statement, by making this statement after the attack many Muslims will face more from discrimination as Trump is grouping and portraying them all as being dangerous terrorists,when that is obviously not the truth. As many people are absorbed in and believe the media their views and opinions will change on the particular religious group, resulting in them being viewed in a different light just because of the action of two people who share the same religion, even though in further investigation one of the shooters has been deemed to have a mental illness, and most probably carried out the shooting for the exact same reason the majority of mass shootings are in America, because he was psychopathic. Lastly I think it is scary how someone with such extreme views like Donald Trump could possibly be the president of the US, it is clear he possess extreme views on the particular religious group ( just like Hitlers extreme views on Jewish people ) and that if he ever did get elected his actions against Muslim people could be devastating for the world to watch. 

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