Tuesday 1 December 2015

Weekly News- #9

SOURCE-SKY NEWS: http://news.sky.com/story/1596885/amazon-delivery-drone-can-travel-15-miles

In this weeks news I discovered that 'Amazon' have created a hybrid drone that is able to travel as far as 15 miles at high speed, and successfully deposit a package safely in someones back garden, safety features allow the drone to be extremely manoeuvrable avoiding obstacles and delivering the package in a designated landing site. In previous weekly news posts I have commented on how newly developed medication and ever improving technology has and is going to save and improve peoples lives in the future. I thought the news of a delivery drone is also an invention which if made possible will revolutionise peoples lives as they may need an item delivered quicker than the average postman, if 'Amazon' proceed with developing the hybrid drone items may be able to be delivered on the day due to it being able to travel 15 miles in a short space of time, according to the promotion video. I found this piece of news very exciting as many people would enjoy the fast delivery service if made possible, and I think the experience would be made much more interesting by having a drone alert you of an incoming delivery and then proceed to land in you're back garden! 

1 comment:

  1. strength: You talked about the positive impacts about the new invention and you have related it back to other weekly news.
    Improvement: Maybe you could talk about the negative impacts of the invention and why the news is reporting about it.
