Tuesday 12 January 2016

Weekly News #12

SOURCE: BBC WORLD NEWS - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-35289536

In this weeks news i read 'Mumbai identifies 'no selfie' zones' after a women has drowned in the sea after attempting to take a selfie, police in the city have identified 15 places where selfie's should not be taken due to danger of death, places include the sea facing promenade. The article discussed how a women in moscow survived after accidentally shooting her self in the head while posing with a gun in a selfie early last year. In my opinion I think it is bizarre how someone could possibly think it to be good idea to take a picture of themselves in a position where they may be injured or even killed . I personally think this article emphasises on the point of how absorbed people are in social media sites where 'selfies' are predominately found, as it is evident from the deaths suffered over the past few years ( were selfies have become a normality ) that some people are willing to risk their lives in order to take a picture that will interest or grab other peoples attention on social media. 

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