Tuesday 19 January 2016

Weekly News #13

SOURCE: BBC UK NEWS - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/disability-35325475

In this weeks news I read an article discussing how t.v presenter and actor Adam Pearson (a man who suffers from neurofibromatosis causing his face to be severely disfigured) felt when he was offered to join a famous 'freak show' in America, immediately i thought this was exploitation as it seemed at first they simply wanted to use Adam to benefit from him as many people may be interested in watching a documentary surrounding his extremely rare condition. After reading further i discovered the host of the show was her self disabled and described the group she had accumulated as the 'freak family' ,which I personally thought may come across as quite an offensive name for a group of people , one group member explained that the group had given a place in society as it allowed him to tell his own story where as before he felt like he didn't have a voice. This article which came across to me as at first as the entertainment business (american t.v) exploiting Adam Pearson due to his rare condition, due to him possibly interesting people as it educated them on a bizarre condition very few people suffer from , was not at first as it seemed. Many of the actors starring in the '999 Eyes freak show' felt as if the so called freak show gave them a place in society they may not have had before, as they are allowed to freely express there emotions in telling there own personal story while feeling like they have a place in the modern society, as people begin to understand the various unfortunate conditions they suffer from, and appreciate them for who they are as they communicate with people through this particular television programme. 


  1. You did really well in expressing your own opinion,and included some detailed information on what the news article is about

  2. Very detailed and analytical coverage of this story. It is very interesting to see the line between either exploiting someone or helping them express themselves in a positive manner, which it seems like they are trying to help him out which is a good sign that society's view on "freaks" is changing.
