Tuesday 17 November 2015

Weekly News #7

SOURCE-BBC UK NEWS- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34839800

In the UK BBC news this week i discovered that Islamic State are plotting deadly cyber attacks on the UK, according to Chancellor George Osbourne. If successful the cyber attacks could possibly gain control over the UK's electrical supply, air traffic control and hospitals, this could prove fatal if any of these are successfully targeted in a cyber attack and many lives could be lost. After attacks on Paris last Friday which resulted in 129 innocent civilians being killed we know ISIS are ruthless and not afraid to sacrifice their own lives in order to bring devastation to others. I personally think these threats made by ISIS could cause more extreme devastation if untreated as there may be some Islamicc State Militants capable of such a complicated cyberattack. It has been made evident from previous attacks ISIS do not hesitate to kill innocent people, making them extremely dangerous if capable of damaging such important systems in the UK. I think French President- Francois Hollande was right in declaring war and committing his country to 'destroying' ISIS as it is clear there is no possibility of negotiation, and unfortunately that there is only one motive that they have shown the world, which is to kill everyone who does not share their 'religion' or is not willing to be radicalised and follow them. Unfortunately many vulnerable people in various societies decide to join the so called Islamic State as they may feel like the group gives them a role making them feel important, this ultimately means many people all over the world will join the group as they may possibly believe in the 'religion', or are just bloodthirsty individuals who are committed to go to extreme limits in order to kill innocent people. In Conclusion I think the French President is right in what he said as they are an obvious threat to anyone not following them and that they do need to be 'destroyed', otherwise more travesties, like the one in Paris on Friday will be plotted by ISIS damaging communities all over the globe resulting in pain and sorrow for many innocent people.  

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