Tuesday 24 November 2015

Understanding Audience- Christmas Adverts

Man On The Moon- John Lewis: https://youtu.be/wuz2ILq4UeA
Monty The Penguin-John Lewis: https://youtu.be/iccscUFY860
Holidays Are Coming-Coca Cola: https://youtu.be/-gMjPezr8TY

All three of these advertisements were constructed by both John Lewis and Coca Cola in order to promote their products and make the audience feel like they needed the various products shown in the adverts in order for Christmas to be enjoyable and festive, this was done cleverly in the John Lewis advert as it tried to focus on making the audience feel sympathetic towards the 'Man On The Moon' when really product promotion is the real purpose for all advertisements. 

When using the 'Users and Gratification Theory' to analyse these adverts it is clear all three adverts contain either ;family,friendship and compassion causing most of its audience to respond passively as we may feel sympathy for the lonely man on the moon as we know someone elderly who will be alone this Christmas. This sympathetic emotion towards the old man on the moon is felt by members of the audience as the advert is constructed purposely in this way in order for the audience to compare their lives and circumstances with those featured in the advertisement, possibly resulting in people purchasing items from John Lewis just because they felt sorry for the fictional old man they saw on the tele at home. This advert delivered the clear message of loneliness at Christmas as it dramatised how old people may feel on this special occasion usually associated with happiness and family, this strong message also allows people to socially converse around the topic possibly leading to a shopping trip to John Lewis as the advert cleverly displays much of the Christmas range at the shops through out the advert. In comparison to the John Lewis advert the Coca Cola advert also features a young innocent child who is amazed by the Coca Cola truck as it passes them by. The advert includes traditional western style Christmas decorations as everywhere in the street is filled with colourful Christmas lights, this immediately gives off a happy festive feeling as most people viewing the advert take part in this celebration every year. This advert connotes that you need Coca Cola in order for you're Christmas to be as happy as it is for the various families featured in the advert, it implies this joyful festive feeling by filling the advert with as many decorations and objects associated with Christmas as possible, resulting in the audience singing the catchy 'Holidays Are Coming'  tune while buying a crate of bottled Coca Cola in order for their Christmas holidays to be as happy and festive as the families featured in the notorious Coca Cola advert. 

1 comment:

  1. Guten Tag Tom,
    well done! You could add your own opinion.
