Tuesday 10 November 2015

Weekly News #6

Source:BBC WORLDS NEWS-  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-34772089

This week i gathered the information that Indonesian death row inmates are possibly to be guarded by crocodiles in the near distance future, even though the article did not possess much information on the subject it did state "You can't bribe Crocodiles". After seeing this article it reminded me of the extreme corruption many countries face all over the world, and  even though Indonesia had come to an almost comical result of using crocodiles as guards, it does clearly show there desperation as dangerous drug dealing related criminals are continuously escaping prison due to bribery happening inside the prison walls. After reading the article i saw a related article below about Indonesia to begin chemical castration for peadophiles, this brang me to realise that  Indonesia were combating crimes like drugs and peadolphillia in a very serious manner as appose to how the UK may deal with these crimes, leaving me unsure if the correct justice is served to many people who commit these crimes in the UK. In conclusion I personally thought the dangerous level of corruption in both countries was displayed by both articles as it shows power and money in many cases is enough to escape punishment, this shows the major injustice people suffer because of governments and organisations, like the prison guards being corrupt allowing dangerous powerful people back into the public and continuing to go through with illegal activities. 

1 comment:

  1. Strength: You have explained your views on the story, and you have compared how the rules are different in the UK.
    Improvement: You didn't say where the report came from. E.g BBC news or The Sun. You could also add pictures.
