Tuesday 3 November 2015

Weekly news #5

In this weeks BBC world news IS have been named responsible by Russia as a Russian airbus was brought down holding 217 passengers including 25 children. The Egyptian President claims the area where the airbus was brought down in an area which is under their full control, and James Clapper ( US director of national intelligence) also said "there was no direct evidence of terrorist involvement yet", this possibly suggests that Russia were very quick to jump to conclusions that Islamic State Militants were responsible for this tragic incident, possibly showing their eagerness to become involved in another war. I personally think this incident is likely to trigger a war between Islamic State Militants and Russia as scientists believe the only explanation of the crash was either a bomb or fuel tank explosion. The Egyptian president thinks ISIS are using this as propaganda in order to damage the stability and security of Egypt which is also very possible. Overall this devastating incident shows that ISIS are a massive threat to many countries as if they are not killing to gain power, they will use propaganda in order to damage the security and reputation of countries (like Egypt). 


  1. I like how you expressed your own opinion and that you included a lot of detail on the matter, and used quotes. However you could include a link to the article next time and who it's written by and possibly write about the effect that this article might have on the audience.

  2. Detailed and interesting analysis of this event. You expressed your opinion very well on the subject matter and it's clear that isis are getting out of hand, and greater action needs to be taken to make sure this same thing doesn't happen in any other countries or the UK.

    To improve, maybe add a picture to give us a visual representation of what has happened and give alink to the article, so that we know the source. Good work!
