Wednesday 24 February 2016

Weekly News #14


In this weeks news I discovered an article stating how a female referee had been 'verbally abused' after sending someone off while 'refereeing a mens football game', the female referee spoke out saying "He didn't like the decision, so he started hurling abuse at me about my sexuality." I personally thought this article was clear evidence of the on going problem surrounding sexism in the playing and involvement in the nation wide sport of football, due to football largely being considered as a 'mens game'. In sating this there have been many recent cases of women's football becoming increasingly more popular nation wide. One key example of this is how massive sports video game company (EA Sports) have included a game mode in which you can play as women in their most recent release of the most popular football game worldwide 'Fifa '. Even though the problem of sexism in football is still evident in the modern day due to many football fanatics in England focusing on well established clubs who play in the 'Barclays Premier League', I do believe the situation is improving as women's football is becoming increasingly more popular due to being aired on t.v more and more. Global companies like 'EA Sports' also providing awareness of the women's football as they bring the skill that many female footballers possess to the publics attention through extremely popular video games, like 'Fifa 16'. This concluding in a positive representation of women's football as they are credited for the skill they show in game on equal terms with the more popular 'mens football'. 

1 comment:

  1. Strength: You have stated your opinion on the issue raised in the news report and you have also given an example to back up your point of female football becoming more popular.

    Improvement: Maybe go in to more depth about why you think some people react badly to female roles within football.
