Tuesday 20 October 2015

Weekly News #4

I found an article on BBC World News about a young Yemeni boy named Fareed Shawky who was seriously injured after a missile hit his house in Yemen's third city of Taiz. A video of him being treated for his wounds (which contained very distressing images due to his inguries) was released on Facebook accumulating a large number of views . Now Thousands of Yemenis have began to use his words "Don't Bury Me" in order to appeal for an end in the conflict. I thought this could be compared to the young Syrian boy who caused the realisation of the severity of the migrant crisis to the world, just like how the video of this young Yemeni boy has caused upset resulting in people appealing against the bombings of civilians in Yemen. It is thought at least 2,300 civilians have already been killed (500 of them Children), I think it is sad that its only when a video or picture is released of children dying or already dead due to a certain war/crisis that people begin to feel sympathy towards the individuals suffering in the various wars around the globe. I think this article also displays the power of social media as Facebook meant people were allowed to share this video making more people aware of the current travesties happening in Yemen that people may not of been aware of, this could possibly result in more people appealing against the war in Yemen as they are now aware of it. This makes it clear that social media networks like Facebook have the potential to make a difference in the world due to many people being absorbed into the various social network sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ) and realising the severity of the circumstances due to the release of the pictures or videos, like this one of the young Yemeni boy. 

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