Tuesday 13 October 2015

Weekly News #3

In this weeks news I found on the BBC website an article which stated 'MH17 Ukraine disaster: Dutch Safety Board blames missile' , I immediately knew this was about the Malaysian Airlines crash that occurred in 2014, in further research I discovered this was the deadliest airline shoot down to date. All 283 passengers and all 15 crew members died, this was obviously devastating to everyone who had family members who were involved in this disaster, but was only made worse when footage was released showing russian rebels looting the dead bodies of their remaining possessions. David Cameron branded the looting 'a sickening violation of a tragic scene' as he spoke about the tragedy, I agree with this statement as i think this represents that particular Russian rebel group as being disgusting people as they strip dead people of their identities by removing their passports and personal items, also delaying the investigation of the crash resulting in even more upset for the victims families. 

The MH17 flight was supposedly in a no fly zone according to the Russian Government, Investigators later found the flight was over the 32,000 feet restriction zone, reading about the crash I constantly saw how the Russian rebels blamed the Ukrainian government and how the Ukrainian government claimed to have no part in the launching of the missile. All evidence points to the missile being fired by the Russian rebel group as it was identified as a Russian made missile fired from Russian rebel territory.However Rumours speculated at the time the Malaysian Airline flight was not the intended target of the missile, from the video evidence above we can see a Russian carrier plane refuelling and returning to base, apparently this was the intended target for Ukrainian forces but the MH17 flight was hit accidentally. Regardless of who fired the missile I personally think it is scary how these missiles can be accidentally fired towards passenger planes by small groups of people (like the Russian rebels at the base) and cause so much devastation so quickly due to human error. 

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