Wednesday 30 September 2015

Weekly News #1

I looked at the website 'The Week UK' and  found out apple may be facing a ban in Russia due to ' promoting homophobic relationships' in the form of emojis in their most recent update, this makes it obvious to us that the discrimination of gay people is still happening in todays world. A shocking 37% of Russians described homosexuality as a 'disease that needs to be cured' -according to the Moscow times, this immediately infers that many Russian people are not willing to adapt to a more modern way of life were in many countries people are allowed to be open about their sexuality and even marry in same sex relationships. It also may shock many people over the world that someone with a high end job like Vitaly Milonov could have such strong opinions on the subject, and put laws in place (the homosexual propaganda law) to stop the promotion of gay relationships in front of minors. The news also mentions how he tried to get Tim Cook (Apple CEO) banned from Russia after he came out as gay, and how he wanted face book to be blocked because of its 'rainbow tool', this gives us the impression Milonov could be a homophobic extremist as this news informs us how small things like the apple emoji displaying a gay or lesbian couple could trigger him to take action against one of the biggest technology company's in the world. I think Vitaly Milonov could be compared to someone like Hitler who prosecuted people due to their sexuality. Milonov may not be prosecuting gay people in Russia yet as he is only a politician but he clearly has a very strong opinion on the subject and his influence in Russian politics and the media  is evident and he could be persuading many Russian people that homosexuality is wrong, this could lead to many people acting differently towards people just because of their sexuality, just like how Hitler persuaded people from all over the world that Jewish people were responsible for the economic crisis resulting in the Holocaust. I personally think that an investigation over a emoji displaying a gay relationship is ridiculous as most people in today's world do not think this a violation as it is considered normal and accepted in many community's as it does not effect peoples lives in any way.  

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Apple Watch – Us

                                                   This advertisement was released by Apple promoting their new product the 'Apple Watch',I think this particular advert was constructed in order to show the everyday uses of the watch for people in relationships. I think Apple were clever in making sure the Apple Watch was represented in the advert by people from different ethnic backgrounds and shown in many different settings, this means the advert has a much bigger target audience, and will allow a variety of different people to relate to the everyday situations people are shown in. 

In the advert the facial expressions and body language differs throughout as we experience various people going through different emotions in their relationships, this makes the Apple Watch seem like it could be very useful in many normal everyday occurrences ( from buying flowers quickly and easily in order to impress you're loved one, to quickly paying for a room using the watch) as everything that happens in the advert could happen in reality. Apple make sure of this in order for their audience to relate to the different settings and situations and think about when the watch could impact their own relationships or lives for the better.

Close-up shots of the watch are used a lot during the advert, this could be to emphasise how easily accessible and simple to use the watch is (like how it is shown paying for flowers simply by tapping it onto the scanner) or maybe they are used to show the aesthetics of the watch in detail. The tempo of the music increases and more instruments are added to the soundtrack as the advert goes on and the emotions get stronger towards the end, we see 3 scenes continuously of people making love suggesting to the audience this product could improve you're relationship dramatically. Apple may of also included people going through hard times in their relationships to make the advert more realistic (so that it seems like the watch is useful whatever situation you are in) , and again so more people can relate to the different emotions experienced in the advert whether it be happy or sad.