Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Weekly News


In this weeks news I read that a man had been arrested on suspicion of rape following an alleged attack at the houses of parliament, the metropolitan police have not named the suspect but stressed he was not at MP. I personally thought this article was a clear reminder of the continuous flow of crime through out high ranking people such as politicians, much of which is not disclosed to the public due to media outlets attempting to keep the publics perspective the same and project a positive representation. The information also held due to the public being supposed to be able to trust these high ranking politicians even though many scandals usually surrounding large amounts of money have been exposed in recent years. Finally I think it projects a very negative representation on parliament that this despicable crime happened in their grounds as it would be thought this would be a location in which security was at its highest. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Weekly News


In this weeks news i decided to gather my information from a different source from the usual, consequently this source ended up being Qatar based broadcaster: Al Jazeera, I decided to differ my source to the more frequently trusted UK based BBC in the hope to gain a different perspective on one of the most current events worldwide, the US election. I was surprised to find an article on the website stating 'Trump keeps support of Muslim-American Republics',  this surprising me due to my knowledge of Trump being that he is an out right racist/sexist, my opinions being formed by the BBC and various social medias as well as word of mouth, possibly exemplifying how someones opinion can be constructed by the various media that surrounds them in day to day life. My personal opinion which is determined by UK media outlets being very different to someone who is continuously surrounded by US media outlets who have been and currently are portraying and representing Donald Trump in an extremely positive light, allowing peoples opinions to be formed and changed by bias propaganda all over America and therefore resulting is it becoming ever more likely that Trump will win the election and become US president. 

Weekly News

SOURCE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-37615637

In this weeks news I read 'Australian opposition MPs said they will block prime ministers plans to hold a national vote on legalising same sex marriage. Immediately this came as no surprise to me as I know from experience many people in Australia hold very strong opinions on people of particular race or sex, basically anyone that isn't white or straight which could be viewed as extremely hypocritical due to Island in which they live on belonging to the Aboriginal people before Britain invaded and populated the island with people of white skin colour. I personally think this news story is a current reminder of how many people including high ranking MPs are stuck in their ways and hold twisted opinions about various cultures,races and religions, the current election in America also being a perfect example of how the dominant ideology can rise to power regardless of holding strong opinions on a particular group of people, like Trumps opinions on Muslim people.